Archivi tag: Reposi 3

“Les derniers parisiens” by Bourokba and Labitey

Versione inglese a cura del Master in Traduzione per il Cinema, la Televisione e l’Editoria Multimediale

Article by: Marco Bellani

Translation by: Riccardo Abba, Barbara Lisè

There is a city in this world that reflects the times we live in; there is a place in this city that is its metaphor. The city of Paris and its clubs: people from every walk of life, students, jailbirds, kids, transvestites, aspiring actresses, pushers and common people intertwine and meet. Everybody is looking for something, everyone hopes to get in in spite of prejudice.

Continua la lettura di “Les derniers parisiens” by Bourokba and Labitey